Confusing Words

English vocabulary has many problematic or confusing words or word pairs that can cause confusion for any writer.

The most common reason is because they are one of the two types of homonyms.

Homophones are words that sound the same but differ in meaning or spelling. Homographs are spelled the same but differ in meaning or pronunciation.

It always pays to check your writing carefully to avoid making mistakes with confusing words.

Our list of articles covers some of the most commonly confused words to help you improve your writing.

Hunger Pangs And Hunger Pains Which One Is Correct

Hunger Pangs Or Hunger Pains – Which One Is Correct?

We’ve all experienced the discomforting sensation of an empty stomach. But are you suffering from hunger pains or hunger pangs? For a writer, it’s yet another fixed expression where the similarity between two words can cause confusion. Luckily, the two versions of this expression are generally accepted, but pangs is considered the most correct form.…

Hunger Pangs Or Hunger Pains – Which One Is Correct? Read More »

Straight-laced And Strait-laced

Straight-laced And Strait-laced – Which One Is Correct?

The quick answer is that straight-laced and strait-laced are now both generally accepted as correct. However, if you are a language purist, most dictionaries and style guides agree that strait-laced is the original and correct form. The meaning of both forms is the same: that someone is strict in manners, morals, or opinions or has old-fashioned and…

Straight-laced And Strait-laced – Which One Is Correct? Read More »