
Are you new to self-publishing?

Find out how you can easily self-publish a book or ebook and attract readers and potential book buyers.

There are many facets to self-publishing and new skills you need to learn along the way.

Our in-depth articles will help you to become a published author.

Self-Publish Directly Or Use An Aggregator

When To Self-Publish Directly Or Use An Aggregator

For new authors who are publishing for the first time, choosing to self-publish directly or use an aggregator is essential. Self-publishing directly means independently managing the publishing and distribution of your ebook on each self-publishing platform. However, using an aggregator involves distributing your book through a third-party service that handles multiple ebook retailers and libraries.…

When To Self-Publish Directly Or Use An Aggregator Read More »

Changes To Amazon KDP Categories Selection

Amazon KDP Categories Selection Is Now More Limited

Amazon has made significant changes to the process of selecting Amazon KDP categories for books and ebooks. On the surface, it may seem like publishers and authors have more choices. But the reality is that the changes are, in fact, more restrictive. Choosing the best or most appropriate Kindle or KDP categories has always been…

Amazon KDP Categories Selection Is Now More Limited Read More »

Kindle Unlimited Royalties Fall For Authors

Kindle Unlimited Royalties Fall Even More For Authors

A recent fall in Kindle Unlimited royalties is a concern for self-publishers with ebooks in KDP Select. Many elements are at play, and only Amazon knows the determining factors. Amazon’s monthly announcement of the Global Fund allocated to paying authors per page read on Kindle Unlimited (KU) is the only known definite. What we don’t…

Kindle Unlimited Royalties Fall Even More For Authors Read More »

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