Derek Haines

Derek is an experienced English teacher, writer, and author with a passion for grammar, creative writing, and all forms of publishing. He also enjoys experimenting with technology and tools for writers.

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What Are Grammatical Moods

Grammatical Moods In Writing And How To Use Them

Grammatical moods indicate the purpose of a sentence by using specific verb forms. Contrary to what you might think, a mood in grammar has nothing to do with emotions, feelings, or sentiments. Moods define a phrase’s intent, including functions such as facts, commands, doubts, uncertainties, or conditions. Understanding how to use these choices can help…

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Self-Publish Very Short Books

How To Self-Publish Very Short Books In Print And Ebook

Self-publishing very short books of fiction, such as pamphlets, novelettes, flash fiction, or short stories, can be challenging. With nonfiction, it would include essays, academic texts, or guides and manuals. Many of these generally have a word count of between 1,000 words and 5,000 words. However, this can cause problems when you try to self-publish…

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They As The Third-Person Singular Pronoun

How To Use They As A Third-Person Singular Pronoun

Using THEY as an alternative third-person singular pronoun is very common now because English doesn’t have a gender-neutral equivalent. Of the three singular pronouns, both HE and SHE are gender-specific. However, IT is only suitable for objects, things, and perhaps animals. That’s why they is a far better alternative because it is inclusive and avoids making…

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Morning Suit And Mourning Suit

Morning Suit And Mourning Suit – Are Both Of Them Correct?

A morning suit or mourning suit can both be correct, depending on the context. For fiction writers, in particular, it’s essential to use these two attire descriptions correctly. The words morning and mourning are homophones but with obvious differences in meaning. But how do they apply to men’s dress for formal occasions or ceremonies? Origins…

Morning Suit And Mourning Suit – Are Both Of Them Correct? Read More »

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