Derek Haines

Derek is an experienced English teacher, writer, and author with a passion for grammar, creative writing, and all forms of publishing. He also enjoys experimenting with technology and tools for writers.

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How To Use Parallelism In Your Writing

What Is Parallelism In Writing And How To Use It

Parallelism in writing is sometimes called parallel structure or construction. It means using the same or similar grammatical structures within a single sentence or across two or more sentences. The structures you use can be words, phrases, or clauses with the same grammatical function and following a set pattern. When you use parallel structures in…

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Marketing For Authors Who Dread Marketing

Book Marketing For Authors Who Dread Marketing

It’s no secret that most authors dread marketing and book promotion. Writing a book is a solitary endeavor of transforming your thoughts into words. But marketing is the antithesis because you need to interact and communicate with a lot of people. While not necessarily introverts, many writers and authors still find it uncomfortable to promote…

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Algorithms Decide Who Wins And Loses

Algorithms Decide Who Wins And Loses In Publishing

Algorithms are the invisible gatekeepers of information. Every second of every day, algorithms decide whose content and writing wins or loses. For writers and authors, Google and Amazon are two crucial platforms. Both use complex programs to determine which content or books get seen and which don’t. If you publish online content or books, a…

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