Derek Haines

Derek is an experienced English teacher, writer, and author with a passion for grammar, creative writing, and all forms of publishing. He also enjoys experimenting with technology and tools for writers.

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What Are Limiting Adjectives

Limiting Adjectives: What They Are and How to Use Them

Limiting adjectives, like limiting modifiers, are words or phrases we use to modify nouns by including specific information about them. These adjectives limit or narrow the scope of the noun they describe. Unlike descriptive adjectives, limiting adds precision to all forms of writing. You probably use them all the time without knowing what they are…

Limiting Adjectives: What They Are and How to Use Them Read More »

Changes To Amazon KDP Categories Selection

Amazon KDP Categories Selection Is Now More Limited

Amazon has made significant changes to the process of selecting Amazon KDP categories for books and ebooks. On the surface, it may seem like publishers and authors have more choices. But the reality is that the changes are, in fact, more restrictive. Choosing the best or most appropriate Kindle or KDP categories has always been…

Amazon KDP Categories Selection Is Now More Limited Read More »

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