
This is a short listing of the most read and popular articles on Just Publishing Advice according to data from Google Analytics.

You will find articles popular with site visitors covering self-publishing, writing, grammar, promotion ideas, how-to articles, and publishing tips and tricks.

KDP Word Count File Sizes And Pages

Minimum And Maximum KDP Word Count, File Sizes, And Pages

It’s not easy to find definitive information regarding a minimum or maximum KDP word count for Kindle ebooks. For many new self-publishing authors, finding related information on Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) Help can be challenging. You have to dig very deep to find the maximum file sizes or page counts for print books. So, to…

Minimum And Maximum KDP Word Count, File Sizes, And Pages Read More »

15 Free Self-Publishing Companies

17 Best Free Self-Publishing Companies For New Authors

If you are a new author, you have plenty of choices of free self-publishing companies to publish your book. Some popular options include Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), Draft2Digital, and Apple Books. You can also find a lot of free book publishing software. These tools make it easy to write, edit, format, create a book…

17 Best Free Self-Publishing Companies For New Authors Read More »

Where To Publish Short Stories

Where You Can Publish Short Stories Online Easily And For Free

Are you wondering where to publish short stories online? You can find sites that accept short stories, but many have strict submission guidelines. Some don’t allow simultaneous submissions and only accept specific genres of short fiction. If you are a short story writer and want to publish your work online, you want an easier way.…

Where You Can Publish Short Stories Online Easily And For Free Read More »

Publish Poetry Online

The Best Free Sites Where You Can Publish Poetry Online

Publishing your poetry online is a great way to reach a wider audience and share your creative expression. You can find many sites that offer free platforms for poets to showcase their work and connect with other writers and readers. Whether you want feedback, exposure, or recognition, you can find a site that suits your…

The Best Free Sites Where You Can Publish Poetry Online Read More »

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