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Irregardless Is A Word

Irregardless Is A Word, But Avoid It In Writing

Yes, most dictionaries now list irregardless as a word. However, almost all entries label it as a non-standard adverb. Because English is a reported language, dictionaries include new words once they reach a regular usage level. Although the word is grammatically incorrect, you hear it often in spoken English. But it’s not a good vocabulary…

Irregardless Is A Word, But Avoid It In Writing Read More »

The Difference Between Procrastinate And Prevaricate

Procrastinate And Prevaricate Are Alike But Not The Same

The two words procrastinate and prevaricate might seem like synonyms, but they have quite different meanings. To procrastinate means to delay or postpone an action or to put off doing something. To prevaricate means to speak or act in an evasive way. However, they share a slightly similar sense in that both can involve delaying an…

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