
Improve your grammar knowledge with these helpful articles that will enhance your writing and accuracy.

Learn how to check and correct your grammar usage and polish your writing before you publish your articles, blog posts, or your new book.

Also covered in this category are related topics, including vocabulary, usage, spelling, and pronunciation.

The grammar police

The Grammar Police Are Carefully Watching Every Word You Write

The Grammar Police are around online in their thousands nowadays. They are ever watchful and incredibly quick on the draw. Whenever the tiniest grammatical error, typo, or erroneous spelling mistake hits the ether of the Internet, they are onto it. And in a flash. So fast, I might forget about the tedious task of proofreading…

The Grammar Police Are Carefully Watching Every Word You Write Read More »

Ten Common Punctuation Mistakes

Ten Common Punctuation Mistakes You Need to Avoid Making

Accuracy is vital in producing good writing, but what about common punctuation mistakes? Basic grammar and spelling mistakes weaken any text, so you always need to correct them. However, it is easy to overlook the most common punctuation mistakes if you are not careful. Sometimes laziness can create punctuation errors, so you need to check…

Ten Common Punctuation Mistakes You Need to Avoid Making Read More »

Yoda Grammar

Star Wars Grammar By Yoda – A Delight For All You Grammar Lovers

Something for Star Wars grammar lovers. There is nothing better than a little inverted Yoda grammar to get the purists’ teeth gnashing. The fantastic infographic below gives a few examples of Yoda speak, which I have to admit I love. From inverted word order, or inversion, to dropping auxiliaries, moving modifiers, all the way through…

Star Wars Grammar By Yoda – A Delight For All You Grammar Lovers Read More »

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