Writters Who Should Of Done A Free Spelling And Grammar Check

Writters who Should Have Done A Grammar Check

Is writters a word? No, but that doesn’t mean I don’t come across it occasionally on social media. So yes, the title of this article should read writers who should have done a free grammar check. But it caught your attention, didn’t it?

A grammar checker is an essential tool for any writer because grammar and spelling errors will weaken any form of writing.

As readers of my blog know, I am an unrelenting supporter of self-publishing.

It gives the freedom of written expression to anyone who wishes to take the time to write and then self-publish their books and ebooks for the world to read. However, that doesn’t mean that any writing is good writing.

Self-publishing standards

Sure, self-published books come with varying standards, and some may complain.

However, I do not believe that the practice of comparing self-published books to traditionally published books is fair.

Firstly, it is because of the enormous difference in preparation, production, and marketing investment.

Secondly, self-publishing should be about being different, inventive, original, and experimental, not about copying a centuries-old model.

However, there are fundamental elements to writing which cannot be excused under any circumstances.

They are basic grammatical mistakes and misspelt or misspelled words. When you spell writter instead of writer, you are not a writer.

Failing to do a grammar check or even a simple spell check is foolish. Terrible spelling and very basic English grammar errors are unacceptable by any measure.

So many online grammar tools are available to help writers correct basic writing mistakes.

Such errors are a definite sign of laziness and, I would add, disrespect for potential readers.

Not only this, but each careless error slights fellow writers and self-publishing as a whole.


Basic grammatical and spelling mistakes are signs of carelessness

Of course, typos happen, and I doubt I have read a book without one or two or even more than a few.

But when I come across writing riddled with basic errors, whether in a book, a blog post, a social media post on Facebook, X (Twitter), Linkedin, or worse, a writer’s bio, I shudder in disbelief.

Self-publishing has made gigantic strides in recent years in regard to quality.

So these few careless writers, or writters, only give fuel to those who persist in criticizing self-publishing.

All it would take to correct these fundamental errors is to use a free spell-check tool and a grammar check.

In fact, almost all laptops and tablets have built-in grammar and spell checkers. It is only a matter of turning them on and using them to be able to correct writing mistakes.

While the spelling and grammar checkers in word processors such as Microsoft Word are not perfect, they will still catch the most common errors.

But only if a writer takes the time to use them and check them.


Be an author

If you truly believe you are a writer or an author, you should take pride in every word you produce, whether in a book, a blog post, a tweet, or especially your author bio.

In the fast-paced online world, getting someone else to check all your writing is often impossible.

So if a free checking tool helps you write better and more accurately, use it.

However, some authors do not take pride in their work, and this lack of pride taints all self-published authors.

It only takes a few minutes to scan suggested corrections in Word or by using free online grammar checkers and even plagiarism checkers to be sure.

Good English writing, grammar, correct spelling, and sentence structure are not difficult for any writer to achieve.

It is only a matter of taking the time to care.

Sure, a few typos will and do slip through, and even a few run-on sentences can be excused.

But there is no excuse for the all too common errors such as those highlighted in the following paragraph.


To all the writters out there

So to all the writters and authers out their, maybe you should of read these terrific little lists from Copyblogger before writting you’re book, or even you’re bio. Its very bad for you’re image and will effect you, by immediately loosing your potential readers. Better to check first then be very sorry. Or worse, become a embarrassment too not only yourself, but to your fellow self published authors, who do take earnest pride in there work.

Always keep in mind that a good writer always checks grammar and spelling – and double-checks and proofreads – every single word they write.

15 Grammar Goofs That Make You Look Silly
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Related Reading: Bad Words And Weak Words That Every Writer Should Avoid

6 thoughts on “Writters Who Should Of Done A Free Spelling And Grammar Check”

  1. Avatar for John Benjamin Sciarra
    John Benjamin Sciarra

    In my dialog, I often try to capture the phonetics and typical bad grammar on purpose. Do you oppose doing this? If so, how would you indicate the background of the character (i.e. accent of non-English speaking individuals).

    1. In dialogue, I don’t think there’s a problem, as long as it is clear that the vernacular is being used. In the narrative, however, that’s a different story.

  2. This is a great piece. I would love to put it on an audio loop and require medical transcriptionists or medical language specialists, as they are now named, to listen to it repeatedly. Not sure it would sink in, but the lack of knowledge of basic skills is alarming. It makes me crazy, being in a QA position for a large medical facility. I find the term of medical language specialist job title very humorous. Oh, such progress…LOL, ICYMI, TBT,

    1. Well Pamela, I have no idea what medical transcriptionists or medical language specialists are, but if they can help with basic literacy, then I am on their side. But then again, yoo shoold of knew that! :)

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