Derek Haines

Derek is an experienced English teacher, writer, and author with a passion for grammar, creative writing, and all forms of publishing. He also enjoys experimenting with technology and tools for writers.

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Capitalize Long Prepositions

When To Capitalize Long Prepositions In A Book Title

Do you capitalize long prepositions when you prepare your book title for publishing? The general rules for capitalization in book titles are quite straightforward. However, when it comes to prepositions, you should take care. Short prepositions and conjunctions are generally not capitalized unless it is the first word in a title. But when it comes to…

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Protect Your Adsense Earnings

Protect Your Adsense Earnings By Preventing Invalid Clicks

When you monetize your blog with Google Adsense, you need to know how to protect your Adsense earnings. It’s not unusual to see a small deduction on your account each month for invalid traffic. However, you should investigate the issue if the deduction is more than 1%. For bloggers who are relatively new to Adsense,…

Protect Your Adsense Earnings By Preventing Invalid Clicks Read More »

Hyphens in Writing Avoid Confusion

Hyphens In Writing To Avoid Confusion And Ambiguity

Hyphens in writing are an essential punctuation point. However, using hyphens can sometimes be a little confusing for new writers. But knowing when and how to use them correctly is not as challenging as it seems. There are many uses for hyphens. However, most difficulties arise with permanent and temporary compound adjectives. When you use…

Hyphens In Writing To Avoid Confusion And Ambiguity Read More »

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