Derek Haines

Derek is an experienced English teacher, writer, and author with a passion for grammar, creative writing, and all forms of publishing. He also enjoys experimenting with technology and tools for writers.

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Do You Want To Become A Copywriter

Is Becoming An SEO Copywriter The Right New Job For You?

But first, what is an SEO copywriter? Copy is a word to describe text that writers produce to promote a product or service. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. In business, copywriters create texts for brochures, sales letters, business mailings, catalogs, and magazine or newspaper advertising. The purpose of the copy is to inform or…

Is Becoming An SEO Copywriter The Right New Job For You? Read More »

Don't Confuse Vanity Publishing

Never Confuse Vanity Publishing With Self-Publishing

If you are a new author, beware of possible vanity press scams that lure you in with the promise to publish your book. Some companies you find, or perhaps ones that contact you unsolicited, often mask their true intentions with grand promises and minimal transparency. These publishers often shower you with complimentary talk about publishing…

Never Confuse Vanity Publishing With Self-Publishing Read More »

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