Derek Haines

Derek is an experienced English teacher, writer, and author with a passion for grammar, creative writing, and all forms of publishing. He also enjoys experimenting with technology and tools for writers.

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Amazon KDP Select or Open Publish

Should I Stay In Amazon Kindle KDP Select Or Open Publish My Ebooks?

If you are self-published, you have certainly made your paperbacks and ebooks available on Amazon. But do you use Kindle KDP Select or open publish? For your ebooks, you have probably also enrolled in KDP Select. It has many benefits, but all at the cost of exclusivity. But what happens when you decide to exit…

Should I Stay In Amazon Kindle KDP Select Or Open Publish My Ebooks? Read More »

Protect Your Manuscript

Protect Your Manuscript By Being A Good File Manager

How to protect your manuscript. Don’t trust technology. If you are writing a book, you should never use one working copy of your manuscript file. Computer files can suffer from all sorts of problems, such as file corruption, accidental deletions, or, worse, viruses. Make sure you use good file management practices to protect your hard…

Protect Your Manuscript By Being A Good File Manager Read More »

Amazon Self-Publishing Problems

Amazon Self-Publishing Problems And Solutions For Authors

If you are a new author, you could experience some problems with Amazon self-publishing. When you do something for the first time, it doesn’t always work out exactly as you planned. Self-publishing your first book and becoming a published author is a very exciting time. But errors and oversights can and often do happen. Fix…

Amazon Self-Publishing Problems And Solutions For Authors Read More »

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