Write For Us Pages Are The Right Way For Guest Blogging

Guest Post By Applying To Write For Us Pages

Guest blogging by applying to Write for Us pages has a lot of advantages for many writers.

You may want to extend your reach and readership or create more links to your site. But you need to know how to do it the right way.

With a quality guest post, you should get a backlink or two to improve your organic traffic and SEO for search engines.

You also have the opportunity to reach a new and broader audience.

Guest posts to find more readers

Guest blogging is the practice of writing blog posts or articles for websites other than yours.

Doing so can offer you many advantages.

If your guest article is accepted and published by a high-ranking site, you can expect an increase in your online traffic and perhaps even attract new subscribers.

There is also the advantage of contacting influencers in your market niche.

Guest posting can create many opportunities to help your marketing strategy and link-building.

Content marketing is becoming more popular due to problems with social media content delivery, especially on Facebook.

Many marketers are reducing or even abandoning their activity on social networks.

In some ways, digital marketing is returning to the basics of earning organic traffic from search engines.

Guest posting is one of the best ways of reaching a new audience.

But it’s not a quick process, so you have to do it the right way.


The benefit of guest blogging is a two-way street

If you own a blog, writing high-quality content for other sites can help you increase your reach and improve your SEO.

On the flip side, accepting great guest writers for your blog can add more variety to your content and save you time.

For a content writer or affiliate marketer, finding guest blogging opportunities on quality sites with good domain authority is a key ingredient to success.

But, as with all online opportunities, there are the good, the bad, and the ugly. There are great writers and great sites where you can submit your articles.

However, aggressive backlink schemes abound, as well as deceptive content with links to shady operators.

To succeed with guest post opportunities, you need to do it the right way. But many are doing it the wrong way.


The wrong way to guest post

Backlink hunters abound. They use software to target and collect hundreds of potential websites and then spam the contact page of each site, asking to post content.

The same method is used to ask for a backlink in a site’s existing content. It is quite easy to spot, as the software can usually only run using a Gmail account.

Any article submission request I receive from a Gmail account on my general contact form heads straight to my junk folder.

Whether automated or not, sending an article submission request to a site’s general contact form will usually result in your message being ignored or trashed.

A site that accepts guest article submissions will usually have a dedicated Write For Us page with a specific contact form.

If you want to submit an article, contacting a lot of sites to publish it will cause real problems.

If more than one agrees, your content will not be unique, and the chances of the site owners taking it down are very high.


How to fail at guest blogging

One great way to fail at the first hurdle is to have spelling or grammatical errors in your submission message.

I read a submission request yesterday that offered me “useful advices” for my readers.

Lastly, sending a request to post an article about Bitcoin investing or iPhone hacks full of spammy links to a site specializing in camping equipment is not very smart.

Submissions that are way off-topic end up in the trash folder.

If you only want to submit or accept guest posts to get a bundle of backlinks, especially from low-ranking sites, you will be disappointed.

Google knows how this works, and it will adversely affect your SEO.

Matt Cutts stated, “I’m calling it: if you’re using guest blogging as a way to gain links, you should probably stop. Why? Because, over time, it’s become a more and more spammy practice, and if you’re doing a lot of guest blogging, then you’re hanging out with really bad company.”


Find guest blogging opportunities the right way

Guest blogging is all about top-notch quality writing for high-authority sites.

It can be time-consuming to learn how to find guest blog opportunities.

It takes time to find a reputable site accepting guest posts, get their approval, and then write an in-depth article.

For site owners, it takes time to read, check, and decide on the best submissions.

If you want to allow writers to submit a guest post submission to your site, create a page specifically for this purpose.

Most sites call it a Write For Us page.

Most importantly, add it as a menu item in your site’s footer and ensure that it is an indexable page.

On the page, outline your guest post guidelines and your process for accepting guest blog posts.

You should also add a contact form at the end of the page and identify it so you will recognize it when you receive an email notification.

An automated reply confirmation email is also a good idea.

You can give an estimate of the time it will take you to respond to a request.


Searching for Write for Us pages

If you want to find sites to submit your content, start by doing a Google search for, write for us.

Even better, you can also use Google searches to find sites for your target topics by using the plus sign.

For example, you could try using write for us + publishing or write for us + politics or write for us + technology to find sites. You can even use write for us + general to find sites accepting broader topics.

There are guest posting opportunities from sites in all market segments.

Also, check sites that you already know about. Scroll down to the footer of the page to see if there is a link.

Here is the footer of Publishing Talk, which includes a Write For Us link.

footer publishing talk

You can make a list of sites for potential guest posting and then read their guidelines carefully.

If it is a good fit for your subject, send all the necessary information.


Applying to write for a site

Most sites will ask you to include a link or links to some of your published work.

Perhaps also, a few of your article topic ideas with reasons why they will suit the site’s readers.

There is very often a text box where you can ask questions.

In your guest post pitches, always ask two or three questions. This shows that you have looked at the site and want to know more.

Asking and answering questions builds relationships.

But remember to check your spelling and grammar carefully. Then, go ahead and send your request and post ideas.

If you receive a positive reply, check that you agree with everything and, if not, ask more questions.

Check how many anchor text links you can add to your article and if they will accept commercial links.

It is also worth checking if the site plans to add its own external or internal links to your article.

Also, ask if they can give you an idea of the time needed to publish.

It is always wise to make sure that you and the site owner agree before you write your article.

Then, you can go ahead and write your excellent guest post.



If you are a guest blogger or want to accept guest blog posts on your site, the right way is the best way.

Getting accepted by one high-ranking reputable site will bring you a new reading audience and perhaps valuable backlinks.

For a site owner, nothing is better than a well-written and highly informative article.

Excellent writing will always gain readers. If you respond to comments you receive, you will enhance the value of your piece of content.

Do it the right way by doing your research first, asking questions, and being clear about your objectives.


Related Reading: No One Reads My Blog – 10 Practical And Simple Solutions

1 thought on “Write For Us Pages Are The Right Way For Guest Blogging”

  1. Writing on Technology, AI, Security Issues, Bussiness and Gaming is my passion. I have good writing experience in the field of technology. I started writing at age 16 when I was in high school. Today I write about donation opportunities as an independent blogger. I have written many articles in existence and many articles have been published in various articles. I have written a number of research studies on companies to understand the true importance of digital innovation for their businesses.

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