
Improve your grammar knowledge with these helpful articles that will enhance your writing and accuracy.

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Can You End A Sentence With A Preposition

Never End A Sentence With A Preposition – A Rule To Break?

Can you end a sentence with a preposition? It’s a question writers have constantly debated, so there are varying opinions. The traditional rule is to avoid ending sentences with prepositions, but this rule now seems outdated. Ending a sentence with a preposition is often the most natural and effective way to write. One of the…

Never End A Sentence With A Preposition – A Rule To Break? Read More »

Double Negatives Are Not Always A Mistake

Double Negatives In Writing Are Not Always A Mistake

Yes, double negatives are usually a big mistake in writing, but there are certain situations when you can use them effectively. In school, you probably learned that double negatives are always wrong. But that’s not entirely true. Surprisingly, there are particular situations when you can use them for emphasis, politeness, or to express a lack…

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How To Use Absolute Adjectives

Absolute Adjectives Absolutely Require Your Attention

Absolute adjectives, such as unique, perfect, or dead, cannot typically be intensified or compared. These types of extreme adjectives are classed as incomparable, ultimate, or absolute. They relate to the superlative degree, which means the best or worst, or most or least of something. Most style guides recommend that you should not modify extreme adjectives.…

Absolute Adjectives Absolutely Require Your Attention Read More »

Capitalize Long Prepositions

When To Capitalize Long Prepositions In A Book Title

Do you capitalize long prepositions when you prepare your book title for publishing? The general rules for capitalization in book titles are quite straightforward. However, when it comes to prepositions, you should take care. Short prepositions and conjunctions are generally not capitalized unless it is the first word in a title. But when it comes to…

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