
Are you new to self-publishing?

Find out how you can easily self-publish a book or ebook and attract readers and potential book buyers.

There are many facets to self-publishing and new skills you need to learn along the way.

Our in-depth articles will help you to become a published author.


Self-Publishing: The Expectations vs Reality For New Authors

What are the expectations vs. reality for new authors? Are you dreaming of becoming the next bestselling author? Are you looking for self-publishing advice? For anyone who writes, it is natural to want your hard work to reap the rewards you believe it deserves. Today, self-publishing allows all authors to publish for (almost) free and have a book…

Self-Publishing: The Expectations vs Reality For New Authors Read More »

Leaving More Than Footprints in the Sand

More Than Footprints In The Sand With Self-Publishing

The figurative expression, footprints in the sand, can mean different things to different people. For some, it has a religious and spiritual insight, while for others, it has a more pragmatic sense of something temporary and passing. For writers and authors, it means leaving a temporary record of thoughts and feelings. But it can mean…

More Than Footprints In The Sand With Self-Publishing Read More »

Amazon Dominates The Book Market

Why Does The Amazon Book Market Share Dominate The Market?

The Amazon book market share is enormous. Why does the Amazon books store dominate the market? Because Amazon involves readers, gives them useful and detailed information, and makes buying a book simple. Forget all the talk about monopolies and aggressive marketing in the book industry. Amazon sells more books than any other retailer because it…

Why Does The Amazon Book Market Share Dominate The Market? Read More »

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