
Great writing always attracts more readers.

Learning how to write better and more accurately will improve your blog articles and your books.

Our list of in-depth writing advice articles will help you to develop and improve your writing skills.

Copy Editing And Proofreading

The Difference Between Copy Editing And Proofreading

Copy editing and proofreading are both essential parts of the writing process but serve different purposes. Copy editing is a comprehensive process that concentrates on improving the overall clarity, readability, and accuracy of a piece of writing. It checks for and corrects grammar, spelling, punctuation, and syntax errors and improves the flow and structure of…

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abbreviations meanings

Common Abbreviations But We Don’t Know The Meaning

We use common abbreviations and acronyms all the time, but what do they mean? The English language uses many forms of word abbreviation. We use shortened forms increasingly for text messaging to reduce a word or phrase. Very often, these are acronyms using initial letters such as LOL, ROTFL, and BRB. Familiar acronyms and abbreviations Some forms use capital…

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Writing and Publishing a Book

The Best Book Writing Software To Write Your Book

Have you decided to start writing your book? Do you need book writing software? Creative writing and the publishing process have changed forever. It doesn’t matter if you plan to take the route with a traditional publisher or if you want to self-publish your book. Digital publishing, sometimes called e-publishing, is where everything starts and stops now…

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Denouement and Epilogue

Denouement vs. Epilogue – What’s The Difference?

What’s the difference between a denouement vs. epilogue? The denouement and an epilogue are both literary devices. It is worth understanding the difference between these two story elements for new writers. While not always essential in short stories, a novel will always have a denouement. Gustav Freytag, a German novelist and playwright, outlined the five parts of a…

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Raining idioms

Idiom Examples To Help Make Your Writing A Piece Of Cake

What are idioms in writing? They are phrases that are a figure of speech and a cornerstone of everyday English, adding a unique flavor to our conversations and writing. Idioms are entrenched in history or cultural references and carry a symbolic meaning beyond the literal interpretation of the individual words. For instance, when we say raining…

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