Are You Self-Publishing Audiobooks? Perhaps You Should Be

Self Publishing Audiobooks

Sales of audiobooks are increasing steadily and point to a bright future. Are you ready to self-publish audiobooks?

Reading a book or an ebook takes total concentration. But with an audiobook, a listener can multitask.

It is the key attraction for so many younger readers in particular.

Readers can listen to a book while driving, commuting, playing a game on a smartphone, knitting, or even during their hours at work.

Audiobooks are popular

Popularity is on the rise. According to recent statistics, audiobooks are now a multi-billion dollar industry in the US alone.

Many award-winning titles, such as Harry Potter, and recent successes like Girl Wash Your Face, are now available in audio.

Science fiction and romance are two of the most popular genres in this format.

There are also many free audiobook offers around now to entice new buyers.

In another report from Pew, it estimates that close to one in five readers are now listening to audiobooks.

The data helps to gain a small insight into the audiobook market. It is easy to assume that it is the next logical step for self-publishing authors and small press.

Ebook publishing is now the number one form of self-publishing. Many Indie authors then take the next step and publish a print book paperback version.

However, both of these markets are saturated and becoming more challenging to leverage successfully.

Also, ebook subscription services, and in particular, Kindle Unlimited (KU), are eroding authors’ incomes.

In the case of KU, Amazon KDP Select exclusivity is also an issue for many authors who shudder at being dependent on Amazon for their earnings.


New opportunities

The facility for self-publishing authors to publish audiobooks offers a new opportunity to extend their sales potential and diversify revenue streams.

Well, only a little at present. Currently, Amazon Audible and Apple iTunes dominate the retail market. However, in the future, this may change as more players enter the market.

If you are ready to take the next step in self-publishing, then you will need to know what to do to get an audio version of your books out to new readers.

It is not as quick and easy as publishing an ebook. So it won’t be for every author. But for some, it will be worth the time and effort involved.



How to self-publish audiobooks

If you live in the US, you are in luck. Amazon KDP audiobook publishing is relatively easy. Amazon offers production and publishing through Audiobook Creation Exchange (ACX) to help you create an audiobook and publish the final product.

For authors outside of the US, things are not quite so easy. This is a very common complaint about Amazon and its US-centric approach. It often creates so many hurdles for non-US self-publishers.

The following quote is from Amazon’s help topic regarding ACX.

At this time, ACX is open only to residents of the United States and United Kingdom who have a US or UK mailing address, and a valid US or UK Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). For more information on Taxpayer Identification Numbers (TIN), please visit the IRS website. We hope to increase our availability to a more global audience in the future.

If you live in the UK, Amazon can help you, but you will need to have a TIN. If you are already publishing with KDP, you probably have one.

For the rest of the world, well, Amazon, as it so often does, leaves you out of the cold.

Kindle Unlimited

How cold? Well, even though I publish with Amazon KDP, I still have no way of subscribing to Kindle Unlimited because I don’t live in a KU country.


Audio publishing outside of the US and UK

Luckily, there is still a publishing world outside of Amazon.

A growing number of small press and independent publishers offer to find voice actors and produce and publish audiobooks.

Distribution is most often on Audible, Amazon, and iTunes.

Do your research and look for publishers who accept submissions or offer a production service using professional narrators and producers.

As with any decision to use a small publisher, be careful.

Do your background research, and don’t rush into signing an exclusivity contract until you are convinced it is a fair arrangement concerning your audio rights.

While some may charge you for the service to pay the narrator, it is worth looking for a publisher that offers a revenue split or royalty share. It is usually a 50-50 royalty rate split of net earnings from audiobook sales.

It might seem a bit steep, but Amazon ACX offers between 20 and 40% net royalties. So 50-50 is not too bad.

If you prefer to do everything, it is possible to record your own audiobooks.

You will need to create an audio file for your book by narrating your audiobook yourself.

Once you have audio-recorded your book, you can then self-publish it.

Here is a link to the steps you need to take.

How To Make An Audiobook: A Do-It-Yourself Guide


It’s early days for audiobook self-publishing

If you are serious about getting your books out to more readers, or in this case, listeners, then you should be looking at what choices you have.

Adding an audio version to your ebook and paperback can only be a positive move.

From a practical point of view, audiobooks are convenient for book buyers as they allow them to consume a book while doing other things.

This is a huge benefit in the busy lives we lead nowadays.

Depending on where you live, investigate the options available to you, and give some thought to how you can self-publish your existing books as audiobooks.

The market is still young, so there is no rush.

However, as with all new markets, getting in early is always better than arriving late.



Author’s Footnote: I always try to write my articles from my first-hand experience.

In this case, I can say that I have been through the whole process of finding a great publisher and then waiting for the months it takes for audiobook production.

But finally, it has all been worth the wait to see my finished audiobook released on Amazon, Audible, and Apple iBooks. 

It’s also reassuring to see a few reviews arrive on Audible quite quickly. So will I do it again? Oh yes.


Related Reading: Amazon Authors Beware Of Audible ACX 365-Day Returns

12 thoughts on “Are You Self-Publishing Audiobooks? Perhaps You Should Be”

  1. I’d like to create an audio children’s book. I am a seasoned author, already much published on KDP and with publishers in NY & London. I want to do the reading myself. Does anyone how to go about that? .Can I submit a sample to any audio publisher and hope the will reply? Or does it take months? Thanks for any and all suggestions. Suzanne White

    1. As far as I understand, Stephen, you can record and publish your own audiobooks. I haven’t tried, but I know you need decent quality audio recording equipment and software. You can use Audible and Itunes to publish. If you do some research on the Internet, I’m sure you will find some good advice.

    2. Suzanne, you can do this using ACX. I’ve written some posts on the process.

      Scott, you can look into Overdrive — that’s where libraries purchase their books from (not Audible).

  2. Hey Derek,

    I produce my own audio books, etc. ACX is asking for SEVEN years Exclusivity. They kinda have the monopoly on AudioBooks? My eBook / Paperback “Wedding Perfection” is on Amazon, iBooks, Nook, etc.

    Q: If I didn’t want to use their services, what are my options?
    If i were to post the audiobook on my Website, I wonder if people would visit and download?


    1. Hi Scott, there are audiobook aggregators out there. Try Author’s Republic, they distribute to multiple outlets for a small percentage. I would advise you to deal directly with Audible via ACX and make sure you tick the non exclusive contract box. You will get 25% as opposed to 40% for an exclusive contract, but your audiobook will be available on so many more platforms, even Spotify if you use AR. I’m still waiting to discover if it is worth losing the 15% from Audible. I’ve done well with exclusive Audible contracts up till now, they do a great job in promoting your work, but let’s see what happens. I see many big authors and publishers choosing non exclusive with Audible, so it seems like a good idea.

  3. This isn’t accurate — ACX is allowing Canadian authors now, and has been since mid 2017. Both my books are available on audiobook through Audible, iTunes and Amazon. The Hanged Man’s Noose and Skeletons in the Attic. ACX is super easy to navigate and I have a different narrator for each book (different series).

  4. Very helpful, thank you! I’ve been thinking about putting out an audiobook of the one I just self-published. Do you have any suggestions about how true to the printed book the audiobook should be? Mine is nonfiction and over 300 pages… I worry about that being too long for an audiobook.

  5. If the book you want to turn into an audiobook is enrolled in KDP select, are you allowed to put it out there in audio on other platforms?

    1. Hi Dave. KDP Select exclusivity only applies to ebooks, so I see no problem. But it’s always wise to double check the KDP Select conditions to be sure.

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