
Ebooks, and especially Kindle ebooks, are the easiest way for self-published authors to find readers.

Learn how to format, and publish an ebook on Amazon and other online retailers.

You will find lots of useful tips and tricks to help you successfully self-publish an ebook.

Amazon Kindle Cracks Down On Ebook Quality

Amazon Crackdown Warnings For Poor Kindle Ebook Quality

Amazon has implemented a policy that alerts publishers and readers when the Kindle ebook quality on Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) is below standard. Authors and publishers who ignore sub-standard quality issues may face negative consequences. Hopefully, this move will lessen the number of Kindle scams that have no place in self-publishing. A range of warning…

Amazon Crackdown Warnings For Poor Kindle Ebook Quality Read More »

Kindle eBook Promotions

How To Make The Most From Your Free Ebook For Kindle Promotion

Any author publishing with Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) knows about free Kindle ebook promotion. You can offer your ebook for free for five days during your ninety-day enrollment in KDP Select. Some may not know that free ebooks for Kindle have now become another little industry in itself. There are many, many sites on…

How To Make The Most From Your Free Ebook For Kindle Promotion Read More »

Exclusivity Or Open Publishing

Smashwords vs Amazon KDP Select Exclusive Self-Publishing

There is a lot of discussion about Smashwords vs. Amazon KDP Select exclusivity, especially among indie authors. A blog post by Mark Coker from Smashwords sparked a debate about the pros and cons of open publishing versus Amazon KDP Select exclusivity. It is well worth reading and especially the comments on his post. Amazon exclusivity…

Smashwords vs Amazon KDP Select Exclusive Self-Publishing Read More »

Free Ebooks A Dead Giveaway

Is Giving Away Free Ebooks A Dead Giveaway For Book Promotion?

Everyone wants something for nothing, so giving away free ebooks seems logical. But is it worthwhile? Many sites that offer lists of free Kindle ebooks are doing it to attract traffic for pay-per-click advertising on their website. Or they are trying to make Amazon Associate income from paid book sales and luring traffic by listing…

Is Giving Away Free Ebooks A Dead Giveaway For Book Promotion? Read More »

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