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amazon kdp exclusive solution

Is There Any Workaround Trick For Amazon KDP Select Exclusivity?

Is there a workaround for KDP Select exclusivity? One of the common dilemmas for self-published indie authors is whether to grant exclusive rights to Amazon so that they can enroll their ebooks in KDP Select (KDPS). Enrolling in KDP Select Exclusivity is demanding, but there may be a little crack in the wall. The benefits of…

Is There Any Workaround Trick For Amazon KDP Select Exclusivity? Read More »

Buy an Ebook and Keep It

How Can You Buy An Ebook And Make Sure You Can Keep It?

When you buy an ebook, do you purchase it or only rent it? Then after this consideration, what restrictions come with either choice? The issue of ebook ownership has been discussed extensively in newspapers and publishing blogs. Although very convenient, the most popular ebook retail platforms often impose limitations on your ebook purchases. DRM is…

How Can You Buy An Ebook And Make Sure You Can Keep It? Read More »

Romance Novels Dominate The Book Market

Self-Published Romance Novels Dominate The Book Market

A Smashwords ebook survey showed how self-published romance ebooks dominated the ebook market. In short, the romance genre accounted for a staggering 87% of the top 100 bestsellers on Smashwords and their aggregators. Should I repeat that number? Eighty-seven percent! The number must make all romance authors smile. While it is impossible to compare this…

Self-Published Romance Novels Dominate The Book Market Read More »

SEO Helps Sell Books

SEO For Ebooks And Books Helps You Sell More Books

SEO for ebooks, books, and authors is a term that probably makes most writers shudder at the thought. Isn’t SEO technical and complicated? No, it isn’t, and it’s an indispensable part of digital marketing. SEO for authors is quite a straightforward content marketing strategy. With a little bit of time spent improving your SEO, you…

SEO For Ebooks And Books Helps You Sell More Books Read More »

Open Publish or Exclusive Publish

Is Open Publishing Better Better Than Amazon Exclusivity?

Open publishing would be the obvious choice for self-publishers if it were that easy. Unfortunately, it is not such a simple choice as both have benefits and drawbacks. Open publishing via Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing), Smashwords, or Draft2Digital, or through other self-publishing platforms, opens retail avenues to various ebook markets in many countries. You would…

Is Open Publishing Better Better Than Amazon Exclusivity? Read More »

Do You Need A Publisher

I Need A Book Publisher – Slow Down – No, You Don’t

I need a book publisher! Slow down. If you are a nonfiction or fiction author, be wary of small publishers or vanity publishers offering you a quick and easy way to publish your book. I receive many messages and emails from authors who have encountered disagreements, problems, or doubts about some publishers. Unsurprisingly, the benefits of…

I Need A Book Publisher – Slow Down – No, You Don’t Read More »

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