10 Writing Tips And Tricks To Help You Improve Your Writing Accuracy

10 Tips To Improve Your Writing

Here are ten humorous writing tips to help you improve your writing accuracy.

We all spend so much time writing online. It is always a good idea to make sure that your writing skills are up to an acceptable and readable standard.

There’s nothing worse than reading a tweet, a LinkedIn or Facebook entry, or a blog post full of errors.

It gives an impression to a reader that you are either careless or, worse, a writer who doesn’t care about good writing.

Accuracy in writing

Of all the writing advice you might read, the most important is to pay attention and take care when you write.

Could you imagine Stephen King making a careless typo online?

It doesn’t matter if you are about to start writing a book, a blog post, or a Tweet.

Always make sure that your writing is of a very high standard before you share it with the world.

If you want to learn how to write well, all you need to do is carefully check before you publish your words.

You want to make a good impression on the few million people that might be reading your words.

Yes, that is a daunting thought.

Readers notice mistakes and sometimes are not shy about telling the world.

But it’s not as bad as it seems.

All you need to do is take a little extra time to check your writing.


Let’s have some fun

Let’s help you improve your writing and have some fun at the same time.

Here are ten quick (tongue-in-cheek) tips that you might want to keep in mind when you are writing anything online.


Ten quick grammar and writing tips and tricks

1. Always check that your verb agree with its subject. I dislikes this mistake with a passion.

2. Almost every comptupter has a speelchekker, so use it. Yoo could even use teh auto-tect correction for commun errors.

3. Typos involving short common words like that and than, it and is and there and their are easy to make.

But your spellchecker won’t always save you.

Check before you hot teh send button. Better to be safe that sorry.

4. One mistake that irks me is The incorrect use of capitalization. i cringe when I see it. i is always wrong.

4. When you use numbered bullets, make sure they are correctly sequential.

6. Check your formatting in a blog post because some errors are not always obvious.


8. There are some who think; oddly enough, that punctuation–commas, colons, semicolons, exclamation marks, quotation marks, and em dashes, are a sign: or are symbolic, of a highly intelligent writing style. In fact, the opposite is true, and you stand a good chance of your sentence structure being completely over-punctuated and unreadable.

9. I dislike repetitive sentences that continually start with I.

I loathe it, in fact.

I stop reading instantly.

I would advise against it.

I really would.

I would use these sentences sparingly.

I think the craft of writing is about using a variety of sentence forms.

10. Reading long passages of text on the Internet; whether it be on a computer, laptop, or mobile phone, is very tiring for a reader’s eyes, so you should be careful not to ramble on with long sentences and un-paragraphed passages of text that are neither informative nor interesting as you will lose your reader very quickly as they will become bored and stop reading your diatribe quicker than you can say, Mark Twain, so don’t just keep typing ad infinitum about your pet subject or writing fiction in long and badly punctuated sentences that keep waffling on without ever coming to the point that was probably your intention, to begin with, but you forgot about it once you got started and decided to add one extra point in your sentence that should have included a relative pronoun, but you got lazy and just used a random comma and kept on typing. Phew! Stop! Don’t write a book in one sentence or paragraph.

11. It’s always quite obvious when a writer should of done a grammar check before showing the world how much they doesn’t know about very good or bad grammar.

12. Be quite sure that your title is relevant and is an accurate summary of your article about 10 writing tips.


Caring about your writing process

Yes, you might read my tips as being a little simplistic or even sarcastic.

But it is so easy to make many of these careless mistakes when you write quickly.

The simple way to avoid making them is to care about your writing.

There are so many free tools available now to check your grammar and spelling.

They make it quick and easy to check your writing, even for social media messages and posts, email, as well as for your blog.

Stop for a few seconds and think twice before you hit the send or publish button.

Publishing writing mistakes that thousands of people might read is not in your best interest as a writer.


Related Reading: Fix A Sentence Fragment, Run On Or Compound Sentence

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