How To Embed Links Into Text And Images – A Video Tutorial

Embed Links Into Images And Text

Just Publishing Advice readers often ask for more information about how to embed links into text and images.

This is an essential skill for authors because any form of book promotion requires good-looking links.

In a previous post, I wrote about adding better-looking links.

But it didn’t include a step-by-step process for how to embed links into text and image links.

How to add links

To save a lot of writing and explaining, I decided to record a short 6-minute video.

It shows you how to create great-looking text and image links. You can use these on your blog, in Word documents, or in an email.

I have also included instructions for adding Amazon’s Kindle Book Previewer embed script.

However, Amazon changed the location of the embed link since I recorded this video.

You can now find the link from the share icon next to the title of your book.

Embed link for Kindle Previewer

Hopefully, this video will make it easier for you to embed links to text and images for your blogs and websites.


Watch the video

Embed Links Video

More about adding links

There are many ways you can use links to promote your books and your blog.

You can promote your book with links that are not only to your Amazon book page.

When you are promoting your Kindle ebook or paperback, you promote your book with links to your book on your website, blog, Facebook, Twitter, and many more sites.

The chances are that you are posting at least a few links to your book for potential readers every day, like all published authors.

But if you keep using a direct link to your book on Amazon, or your free Kindle ebooks, people are not going to react well to seeing the same Amazon link over and over again.

Good book promotion linking is all about including lots of variety.

If you can give readers alternative ways to discover your book, you have a much better chance of attracting their attention.

There are so many ways you can promote your book online, but you always need to use links.


Related Reading: How To Add Kindle Ebook Links And Image Hyperlinks

5 thoughts on “How To Embed Links Into Text And Images – A Video Tutorial”

  1. I do not understand on my android phone but I ‘ll watch on laptop later.
    One more thing, can I publish ebook from blogspot?

  2. Thank you so much for this. I was hesitant to contact you again. I am such a visual person, so having this video to watch, was the icing on the cake for me! I finally got it!

    My very best to you Sir,

    Dave in Boise, Idaho

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