How To Articles

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How To Check Dialogue Writing Consistency

How To Check Dialogue Writing Consistency In A Book

When it comes time to proofread and check all your dialogue writing in a manuscript, it can be quite a challenging process. Because there are so many elements, it’s also extremely time-consuming. Yes, you need to check your grammar, vocabulary, and punctuation when editing a book manuscript. But above all else, consistency in dialogue is…

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Adsense And Core Web Vitals

Adsense And Core Web Vitals Can Work Just Fine – Here’s How

Adsense and Core Web Vitals can work happily together despite what you might read. Yes, at first, I struggled with site speed and slow loading for pages with Adsense, especially on mobile. But with a few tweaks and learning how Google calculates Core Web Vitals (CWV), my sites are now getting all green signals on…

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